How to Find and Get Signed to a Modeling Agency
For new and aspiring models, getting signed to a top modeling agency is the ultimate goal. To get started however, it’s important to find the right agency that can propel your career to the next level.
There are hundreds of modeling agencies, finding the right one is hard.
For starters, many people start by contacting and researching modeling agencies in their local market. Whether your in a major market like New York City or Miami, Florida where there are many top modeling agencies, it is very important to make sure you are what the agency is looking for as every model scout manages different types of talent. For example, a major agency such as Ford Models works with many editorial and commercial talent, where as VNY Models in New York focuses mainly on editorial male talent.

Smaller markets like Boston or Pennsylvania typically specialize in commercial print models and talent. These are great markets to start your career in modeling or acting. Simple classes and Model Workshops are awesome ways to learn about the business and get you in front of real industry professionals. Before getting into a modeling school, make sure the school and classes are in line with your goals and objectives prior to committing the time and money.
Before seeking representation, it is important to perfect your craft and learn the basics of modeling. Getting test shoots is equally important. Rather than spending tons of money on one set of photographs, seek out multiple photographers and get on as many shoots as possible. This shows your versatility in front of the camera and can help land you a modeling agency. Most agents recommend a 4-look book meaning photographs featuring outfits for all 4 seasons
(Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall)
Always expect to front your own marketing costs when you are starting out. Many models think that if an agency wants you, they pay for everything. This is not only wrong, it’s dangerous for new models starting out, as you can miss many great opportunities due to the lack of knowledge on what modeling is like in 2020.
Gone are the days of supermodels.
Agents want a person that is a brand name, not always a pretty face. Be sure to ramp up your Instagram and use hashtags to get attention from scouts. Use professional photography on social media and on your comp cards.
Comp cards, which are used by models and actors, are a composite of your stats and photographs. Don’t waste money on printed ones, they are old fashion and most agents won’t take them when you audition. A digital comp card is all you need to use when submitting.
After you have some experience in front of the camera, seek out open call auditions to meet with agencies. Red Models, an agency in NYC typically hosts open calls on the last Wednesday of every month.
Getting help is the most important part. Latitude Talent Studios works with models just starting out, by helping them connect with modeling agencies and casting calls. You can apply to become a model here.
Never cold call a modeling agency, especially major agents, they get hundreds — if not thousands of submissions a week, making landing an invite or evaluation to their office rare for most models starting out. Instead, focus your efforts on building your resume- this will help you get an agencies attention and get signed!