The Real Realities of Becoming a Model
Oh great, your looking to become a model or actor and you don’t know where or how to start.
You applied online to a couple of companies and now you are getting your phone blown up with text messages from some big call center overseas saying “please come in we love you or that you are wanted for an audition but have to pay only $10,000 for a showcase in Hollywood“ If that’s the case you need to really figure out who you are dealing with. Tip: you ALWAYS need to expect to cover your own marketing like comp cards however - that shouldn’t cost you a deposit on a house! Don’t think that home made comp card you made by yourself will work: everything is digital these days and working with a professional you need pro-grade materials. Also, unless this is some a new phenomenon no one told us about, real modeling agencies don’t have to text message you 10 times a day to beg you to be a model with them (Text reminders for appointments or phone calls are super helpful though and legit companies do it all the time!) Many companies, who we won’t name, may not be the best route to get started as model or actor if they are doing the stuff mentioned above. Coming across a company like Latitude Talent Studios - a real NYC marketing talent service- we have excellent reviews and their is a reason for that. They really work and are worth it for you!

Top Tips: Latitude Talent is NOT some expensive modeling school who signs everyone that walks in the door. The focus is on the core basics that all models and actors want: developing your marketing materials and then use them to help connect you to Casting Calls and auditions. You also get access to exclusive benefits, selected in-office events, digital comp cards, headshots and a pool of amazing agencies in their directory. You have to ask yourself these questions first before you try Latitudes Talent: - Are you really serious about becoming a model? - Are you willing to invest in yourself? (Starting anything is never free; don’t expect ANYONE to pay for you to start. It’s not only unprofessional, but not realistic in this day age. Modeling is different then the 1980’s and 1990’s when your agent may have paid for your travel expenses or comp cards. If you want real advice, ask a real model or actor who’s actually signed and booking work, not advice by some outdated blog written by an Instagram model or YouTube video by an unsigned, aspiring model.) - Are you confident in front of the camera? (Hate the camera? Then you are for sure not ready to model yet!) - Are you realistic in your approach? (Think that becoming a model or actor is guaranteed and that you will become right and famous over night? Keep dreaming, it never happens unfortunately.) - Do you like to travel and meet people? (Based in NYC, traveling should be expected as well as meeting new people at Casting Calls and such.) Reminder: If your focus is just to make tons of money and become a famous celebrity overnight, this business is NOT for you and I wouldn’t recommend this industry at all. Entertainment is really hard work and partnering with a company is legit work on both ends. Benefits of working with Latitude: - Casting Matches Sent Directly to you along with their in-office submissions to Castings. - Amazing photographs that work with top agents. - All included services in an upfront and honest manner. - Down to Earth meetings and friendly staff who help talent of all looks and backgrounds. - Boutique Company who is selective with only working with talent who share their common vision and are truly passionate about making the industry a more inclusive place for people of all backgrounds. - Best communication for the 21st Century. (Send an email and you should get a response in most cases the same business day or within a couple of hours.) Who has Latitude New York connected their talent/worked with: - HBO Network “Billions” TARGET (Retail Brand) GStar, Converse, Amazon, VH1, Seventeen Magazine, L’Orieal , New York (NYFW) Fashion Week 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 and many, many more!

Attention Models and Actors: do your homework BEFORE you look for an agency to sign you! They are not all created equal. Some agents at top management company’s can be snobby or mean, this is not the case here at all. Also, never harass a model agency, if they didn’t call you back after meeting it simply means it was not a fit for the both of you. The Latitude Motto: Our Talent are number one. Period. We stand by that 100 percent and work to ensure each talent we work with is treated fairly with personalized tools and services. Need more help, agent reviews or tips on finding a legit agency that’s isn’t bogus or a waste of your time, leave a comment below or shoot us an email! You can also become a model and join here Related Tags: NYC Talent Agents, Commercial Modeling, Male Models NYC, Latitude Talent Agency Reviews, Real Tips