What to Bring to an Open Casting Call
Attending your first open call and not sure what to bring? This varies depending on the casting, however, here are some general tips on what actors and models should bring to casting calls.
Tip 1: Read the Casting Call Notice in Detail
It is very common to overlook small details in a casting call notice however, this should be avoided. The reason the casting call has small details is to ensure the actor or model on set arriving is prepared for the casting director. Missing these small details can not only make you look unprofessional, but also unprepared. Read the casting notice in full before attending a casting to avoid looking bad!

Tip 2: Always Bring a Comp Card or Head Shot
What many actors and models, especially new talent, do not realize is that a casting call, especially an open casting, is not a meet and greet with directors. A casting is similar to a job interview - they want to meet talent to fill a part. Meeting a director alone is not enough for them to remember you as they see hundreds of talent at a time. The reason a comp card and head shot is so important is that it is what a casting director remembers you by. Having professional materials could mean the difference between landing or losing a booking.
Don’t have a head shot or comp card yet? Get these materials before you start attending auditions.
Tip 3: Dress the Part
Depending on the casting call, many actors attend auditions dressed as the characters they are auditioning for. This is very common in extra and background casting calls. Refer to Tip 1 and Read the Casting Call in detail. If it does not instruct what to wear, it is best to dress in solid colors with no viable logos or bright colors.
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