The Surprising Secret on How to Become a Model

It’s no surprise that becoming a model takes hard work, determination and a little bit of luck, however finding a modeling agency to sign you isn’t the only option to become a model as a beginner.


Everybody knows of top american model Gigi Hadid, she has graced the cover on numerous magazines and has been featured on many editorial advertisements for high fashion brands. How does a new face model obtain that level of success in such a short period of time? We'll here's a little secret for models coming into the 2019 and 2020 digital era.


Back in the 1980s and 1990s, the only major way to become a model was to either get scouted on the street or public area by a model scout, or to walk into a modeling agency and get signed on the spot. Any new model or even an actor can find by doing simple research, that many modeling agencies and talent agencies are no longer hosting in-person open calls. Not being seen by the right people will prevent anybody, regardless of their look, to get signed by a modeling agent.


What Gigi Hadid did, and any new face model can do on their own, is to build up their own brand big enough to gain the attention of a modeling agency.

It is common knowledge that many people think that an agency will sign anybody with a good look or body. That is simply not the case. Like anything, you have to have the right marketing materials to present yourself in the best light possible. While many major modeling agencies collect a commission from your work you book with them and then recoup any expenses that they fronted to you upon signing, they will not invest the time, energy and money into a model that does not have any prior experience. It's simply not worth it for many agents.

The secret to becoming a model, and actually getting casting calls is to build up your experience in marketing. To do this you can enlist the help of a talent marketing firm. One of the top talent marketing companies to work with is Latitude Talent Studios, which helps new face models and actors alike obtain the tools, knowledge and opportunities to get started as a beginner model or actor. With numerous success stories, you can streamline the process with out the commitment of an agent collecting commissions and making your sign multiyear contracts.


If you were in a smaller market, and not able to travel to New York City for Miami Beach to find a modeling agency, you can seek out local photographers that will help build up your portfolio as well as refer you to a casting In your market. There are many great casting websites such as that help talent find casting opportunities affordably.


If you were on a budget, harnessing the power of social media you can easily gain exposure on sites such as Instagram and Facebook to garnish the attention of modeling scouts, that do frequently search for new face models on those platforms. It is important to make sure that you fully research anybody that reaches out to you to ensure that they real and are in line with your objectives.
